Start date
1st Sep 2023
End date
31st Aug 2027
Grant agreement
SOS4democracy – Social Sciences 4 Democracy.
The project aims to unite research and higher education institutions, civil society groups, and a private media organisation to develop training programmes that enhance research on the recent shift towards authoritarianism in South-Eastern Europe. The project has three main objectives:
- Strengthen cooperation and improve research and innovation ecosystems in academic and non-academic organisations through a training-through-research programme.
- Ensure knowledge transfer between the academic and non-academic sectors. The academic sector will offer training on advanced research methods and practical skills, the media organisation will provide media training, and NGOs will offer training on civic monitoring, public advocacy, and new technology in civil society organising.
- Enhance the overall research and innovation capacity of all participating organisations by organising a training programme on research management, knowledge brokering, data stewardship, and knowledge transfer.
This synergy is built upon the exchange regarding communication and dissemination strategies.